Nutritional Considerations for Common Conditions
Nutritional Considerations for Common Conditions
Tyramine-containing foods (aged cheeses, chocolate, red wine)
Food sensitivities
Refined carbs
Food additives
Added sugar, refined carbs, caffeine, trans fats, vegetable oil, food additives, preservatives, processed foods and alcohol should be avoided by all.
High magnesium foods (seaweeds, nuts, whole grains)
Essential fatty acids (fish, flax, hemp chia)
Antioxidant foods
Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, healthy oils (olive, avocado, coconut), low-mercury fish and organic, grass-fed meats (if not a vegetarian)
Other Considerations
Talk to the docs about proper hydration, posture, omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, and possible nutrient deficiencies and/or hormonal imbalances.
Arthritis/Joint Pain
Acid-Forming Foods (processed food, meat, dairy)
Nightshades (if you have rheumatoid arthritis)
Food sensitivities
Added sugar, refined carbs, caffeine, trans fats, vegetable oil, food additives, preservatives, processed foods and alcohol should be avoided by all.
Alkaline Foods (whole vegetables and fruits, seeds, nuts, etc)
Sulfur foods (eggs, legumes)
Bone broth
Chicken cartilage
Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, healthy oils (olive, avocado, coconut), low-mercury fish and organic, grass-fed meats (meat and acidic foods should be consumed minimally)
Other Considerations
Talk to the docs about incorporating supplements/herbs such as omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, chondroitin, grape seed extract, ginger, or turmeric.
IBS/Digestive Issues
Food sensitivities (such as gluten and/or dairy)
Heavy proteins
Added sugar
Added sugar, refined carbs, caffeine, trans fats, vegetable oil, food additives, preservatives, processed foods and alcohol should be avoided by all.
Antioxidant foods
Essential fatty acids (fish, flax, hemp, chia)
Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, healthy oils (olive, avocado, coconut), low-mercury fish and organic, grass-fed meats (if not a vegetarian)
Other Considerations
Talk to the docs about an elimination diet and supplements/herbs such as probiotics, magnesium, aloe vera, glutamine, slippery elm bark, or carminative herbs.
Carbonated beverages
Inflammatory foods, notably sugar and caffeine
Foods that contain pesticides
Food sensitivities
Added sugar, refined carbs, caffeine, trans fats, vegetable oil, food additives, preservatives, processed foods and alcohol should be avoided by all.
Alkaline Foods (whole vegetables and fruits, seeds, nuts, etc)
Cacao (if not sensitive to caffeine)
Foods rich in vitamin C and E
Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, healthy oils (olive, avocado, coconut), low-mercury fish and organic, grass-fed meats (if not a vegetarian)
Other Considerations
Talk to the docs about sleep hygiene, detoxification, and supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and magnesium.
Managing stress may also help ease your ailments.
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The information and reference guides in this website are intended solely for the general information for the reader. The contents of this web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your health care provider for any advice on any exercise, medication, nutrition, or supplementation.